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Technology / 8 months ago
Musk Preps Twitter Alias 'X' for Paywall Invasion; Real Users Hope Bots Aren’t Rich Enough to Subscribe!
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Elon Musk prepares to introduce a paywall on his social media platform, X, to combat bothersome bots, leaving users questioning the economic viability of paying to tweet. Rich enough bots subscribing causing concern among real users.
In an unexpected twist of events that has left every teenager and meme enthusiast worldwide in distress, Elon Musk has announced that his social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, could introduce a paywall. This drastic measure is being proposed as Musk seeks to address an infestation of bothersome bots that he inadvertently attracted due to his frequent space banter and cyborg-esque persona. In a candid conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which surprisingly didn’t involve plans about colonization of Mars or autonomous hoverboards, Musk teased the concept of paid-access to X. "It's the only way to ward off bots," Musk said, perfectly timed with his sixth espresso shot of the day. "Let's just hope those bots aren’t rich enough to subscribe!" he added, with a characteristic smirk. It is a well-established fact that rich folks like Musk have a particular way of solving problems – throw money at it! Or charge money in this case. Musk's groundbreaking proposition could potentially take 'Pay to Play' to a new level. Social media analysts across the world are befuddled by this novel, borderline audacious, idea. "We did not see this coming," said Mira Tweetalot, a leading analyst at Pigeon-Media think-tank. "I mean, seriously, who pays for social media?!" Reception among X's massive user population of 550 million, generating a brain-numbing 200 million posts daily, has been mixed. E-commerce brands that rely on Twitter bots for their 'unbelievable' engagement rates are in a state of panic. Regular users, meanwhile, are left wondering about the economic viability of paying to tweet about their breakfast or share pictures of their cat. “It's a nightmare. Last week, I had to choose between buying avocado or paying rent," shared Becky, an independent artist and serial tweeter from Brooklyn. “Now I’ll have to factor in a social media subscription fee to connect with my 17 followers!" Meanwhile, bots have responded with an eerie silence, leaving everyone tense with anticipation. Are they regrouping for a counter-attack? Or maybe they’re busy minting their own cryptocurrency to counter Musk’s privilege block? As per the most recent reports, the billionaire isn't worried. Seen fondly petting his Shiba Inu while ruminating on SpaceX’s next launch, he casually mentioned, “We’re just trying to keep things interesting.” No doubt they’ve managed that, and the internet waits with bated breath for Musk's next, probably absurd, move.
posted 8 months ago

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Original title: Elon Musk says Twitter, now X, is to charge all users subscription fees

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