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Entertainment / 6 months ago
Legendary Rapper Snoop Dogg Abandons Green Love Affair, Ditches Cannabis for Clean Air
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Snoop Dogg leaves the green haze for a breath of fresh air, shocking fans and shaking up the cannabis industry. The legendary rapper's decision to prioritize clean lungs sparks a surge in air purifiers and oxygen bars.
Snoop Dogg, the (dope) canine that has acted as the unofficial ambassador for the "Mary Jane" brand for decades, made an announcement that left 'cloud' enthusiasts worldwide in a state of high confusion. The Dogg wants to breathe cleaner air. On Instagram – a platform he is known to 'roll up' his thoughts, he dropped a bombshell, ditching cannabis for clean oxygen. In a melancholic black-and-white photo that made him look reminiscent of an exasperated detective from a 90s noir film, he wrote, "After much consideration & conversation with my family, I've decided to give up smoke. Please respect my privacy at this time." The gram that is always lit seemed to have lost its spark. You could hear bongs break in the background, grinders come to a halt, papers left unwrapped and poor Mary Jane dumped with a heavy heart. The long-term impact of this announcement on the cannabis industry could be seismic. After all, Snoop Dogg was not only the poster child but a staunch advocate and investor. With Snoop leaving the green fields, it's like Colonel Sanders forsaking chicken or Jeff Bezos abandoning books. "Snoop Dog, not smoking weed? It feels like the sky isn’t blue anymore, the Earth isn't round and who knows, maybe cats and dogs will start getting along!" quipped a fan, rolling a joint of disbelief. For many, the "Smoke Weed Every Day" rapper giving up his green-dream came as an ironic twist, a hypothetical equivalent to Popeye giving up spinach. Meanwhile, companies that produce air purifiers and oxygen bars are having a field day with stocks skyrocketing overnight. As word of Snoop Dogg's desire for clean lungs spread, air quality suddenly became the new hot topic, a 'breath of fresh air' in the otherwise monotonous news cycle. Additionally, the pigeon community, long known for their adversity to smoke, are rumored to be working on drafting an invitation to Snoop to join their cause against air pollution. Only time will tell if Snoop will miss the hazy days of green indulgence, and whether his fans will get onboard the clean air bandwagon. In the meantime, we'll mourn the end of an era, yearning for more 'high times' with our favorite Dogg.
posted 6 months ago

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Original title: ​Snoop Dogg makes huge lifestyle change announcement on Instagram

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