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Politics / 8 months ago
King of Towers Trump Swaps Throne for Court Bench, Courtesy of a 'Deranged' Judge's Fraud Finding!
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From Tower to Bench: The Unexpected Twist in Trump's Legal Saga Unfolds!
In an unexpected twist set to unhinge America’s TV schedules, Donald Trump is swapping his exclusive billionaire tower for the less glittery court bench. This comes as a result of a ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron, a man whom Trump has fondly referred to in jocular Tweets as "deranged." Now, it seems the "deranged" judge is having the last laugh. The ruling, seen by many as a punchline with a hell of a punch, found Trump liable for widespread fraud. Consequently, Trump was stripped of his licenses for some of Manhattan's most high-profile properties, including the illustrious Trump Tower and the Trump International Hotel. Some may see this as justice, others as the punchline of a joke that has been in the making for years. In one fell swoop, the 'King of Towers' has been dethroned and his kingdom, claimed by Engoron, has been drastically reduced to a single bench in an old courtroom. This marks the most radical real estate downsize since Nero decided Rome had enough villas. In a jaw-dropping turn of events, it was announced by Trump's defense team just last end of the week that the former president might even be gracing the trial with his physical presence. If he does make an appearance, he will be seated merely a few feet away from the man he once mocked as "deranged." Fans of the erstwhile president are hoping he will make the most of this new platform - swapping combative tweets for combative testimonies, This could mark a golden opportunity for Trump to distract from the dull reality of the courtroom proceedings with more urgent declarations about windmills causing cancer or accusations of coffee machines rigging the election. The court setting brings new opportunities for rebranding for the Trump name. Rumors have already started circulating that there are plans for a new coveted brand, "Trump Benches," with the tagline - "Where justice and luxury sit side by side." Meanwhile, opponents of the former president are eagerly waiting to see if this new home, free from golden escalators and marble veneer, will finally ground the high-flying mogul. The script is being written, the cameras are rolling… grab your popcorn and take a seat for the new hit show: Trump in Court!
posted 8 months ago

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Original title: Trump goes to trial in New York before a judge who just ruled he's a fraud

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