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Entertainment / 8 months ago
Kale Infiltrates Childhood Classic, Forces Grilled Cheese Sandwich into Midlife Crisis
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Grilled cheese sandwich faces midlife crisis as kale infiltrates, leaving traditionalists in shock and health enthusiasts intrigued.
In a startling twist that would make any comfort food do a double take, a filler episode of your puberty, also known as the humble grilled cheese sandwich, is going through a midlife crisis. Kale, the eternal powerhouse of nanny-state nutrition has, we regret on behalf of all gourmet-pervs, successfully infiltrated the sandwich of that thousand sunny afternoons. This staggering episode began when our regular home cooks turned experimental gastronomists decided not just to toy with the sacred union of bread and cheese, but to forcefully Çaesar salad it. Much to the collective dismay of the traditional grilled cheese army, they've decided to 'spruce it up' using a couple of tricks that would leave even Houdini stumped and arguably hungry. Their culinary crime unfolds as they nonchalantly cook before assembling the sandwich. Are they rebels without a calorie count or have they simply forgotten the beauty in the simplicity of school lunch verities? Sources claim that this revelation comes from the recipes of the book "Cook What You Have," a known turncoat among supermarket classics as it notoriously endorses the use of pantry staples into creating easy weeknight meals. In an unsettling move, they go ahead to update grilled cheese with kale, not only making it tasty but - the audacity! - somewhat healthful. "Why not Kale-ed cheese sandwich?" quips a purist from the anti-green grilled cheese movement, voicing his dissent against this vile leafy intrusion. As they sauté kale by the handful, the childhood favorite sandwich morphs from an innocent cheese-hug in a bread blanket to a self-aware, nutrient-rich midlife crisis. Observers claim that it’s like witnessing a Field Day trophy convert into a gym membership, or a cozy blanket revolutionizing itself into a yoga mat. The question begs – what’s next? Quinoa in our pancakes? Spinach in our sundaes? Must our simple culinary pleasantries endure this unending wave of green revolution? This event has prompted the true grilled cheese aficianados to band together, starting a movement under the hashtag #KeepOurGrilledCheeseGreenFree. One can only guess what the next move of the health-conscious, kale-bearing, so-called 'gourmands' will be. As we keep our picked-clean plate anxiously under our chins, one can hope, for the sake of all that is deliciously simple and nostalgia-laden. One can hope.
posted 8 months ago

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Original title: Kale, crispy bacon upgrades grilled cheese to an adult level

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