Entertainment / a month ago
Is 'Flight Risk' Soaring to Streaming Before It Ever Lands in Theaters?

In a surprising shift, Mel Gibson's thriller "Flight Risk" is set to bypass theaters and land directly on streaming platforms, sparking debates about the future of cinematic releases. With audiences preferring the comfort of home viewing, this decision highlights the growing dominance of on-demand entertainment over traditional cinema experiences.
In a stunning move that has left Hollywood scratching its collective head, the highly-anticipated Mel Gibson thriller "Flight Risk" is reportedly gearing up to soar directly into streaming services, bypassing theaters entirely. The film, which features Mark Wahlberg in the role of a pilot and boasts an R rating, seems to have taken a page out of the "Why bother with cinemas?" handbook.
Sources inside the Lionsgate studio revealed that after watching the film go through its final edits, it was unanimously decided that audiences would prefer the convenience of streaming "Flight Risk" from the comfort of their own homes rather than risking a trip to the theater. "Why face the hassle of parking, overpriced popcorn, and potential exposure to the flu when you can enjoy Mark Wahlberg flying an airplane while still in your pajamas?" quipped one insider.
"Flight Risk," which opened in theaters on January 14, is the first directorial effort from Mel Gibson since his Oscar-nominated "Hacksaw Ridge." This latest foray into cinema promises high-stakes drama, yet it seems that the only stakes Hollywood is interested in are related to subscription numbers. "It's not that we don't believe in the film," said a spokesperson. "It's just that we believe more in the art of getting couch potatoes to hit 'Play' on their streaming devices."
Wahlberg, known for his enthusiasm for action and thriller genres, expressed mixed feelings about the news. "It’s nice to know I'll be bringing adrenaline straight to people’s living rooms, but I was really looking forward to the popcorn," he said while attempting to balance a tray of snacks while sitting on his sofa, making it clear he had taken an impromptu break from his film promotion duties.
Meanwhile, Gibson has been noted for his ironic humor about the film’s fate. "It's like a plane with no landing gear," he remarked dryly, "except now the only thing crashing is my hope for a theatrical release. But hey, at least I can binge-watch myself!"
As conversations swirl around the film's digital premiere, many wonder if traditional cinemas are constantly renaming their last showings like it’s a desperate Tinder profile. "It's a real conundrum," sighed a local theater manager. “People used to ask if 'Flight Risk' was a good movie. Now they just want to know if it comes with free trials.”
In conclusion, if “Flight Risk” serves as any indication of the future of cinema, we might all need to loosen our belts because streaming is here to stay, and the only popcorn we’ll be worrying about is the one stuck in our couch cushions.
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Original title: Is Mel Gibson's 'Flight Risk' Already Heading To Digital Streaming?
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