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Entertainment / 7 months ago
Iran's Morality Police Deliver 'Free Vacation Packages' to Journalist Duo for Daring to Unveil the Uncomfortable Truth
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Iran's Morality Police: Delivering a chilling 'free vacation' to journalists brave enough to uncover the uncomfortable truth.
In an act of startling generosity that will surely pull at heartstrings worldwide, Iran’s ever altruistic Morality Police have offered two ungrateful women journalists "free vacation packages". Why you ask? Because they had the audacity to report on the oh-so-unimportant issues of police violence, human rights violations, and government overreach! The lucky recipients of this all-expenses-paid lifetime holiday are yet to be identified, but let's just affectionately refer to them as the 'Journalist Duo'. Their romantic vacation, according to state-run media, is an open-ended trip to a much sought-after destination: prison. How charming! Last year, the Duo highlighted the tragic demise of 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian Mahsa Amini while in the custody of the morality police due to an atrocious crime: allegedly violating the Islamic dress code. The further audacity of these journalists in questioning the law and order forces of Iran has led to this romantic, unforgettable, and by the looks of it, never-ending holiday. Critics may argue that actions that led to Amini's death should be highlighted, investigated, and addressed. Others might point out the ensuing mass protests across the country as a clear signal of civilian dissatisfaction. But who are we to argue with Iran’s generous Morality Police? After all, they’re only thinking about the well-being of their people (cue the angelic choir), even if it comes at the cost of basic human rights, liberalism, and freedom of the press. This isn't the first time Iran’s Morality Police have shown such breathtaking magnanimity. Through the years, they have gifted numerous ‘free vacations’ to those who dared to express dissent, trust in the power of the free press, or just wore their hijabs a little too loosely. A win for Iran’s tourism industry, really. So, hats off to the Morality Police, who continue to protect the nation’s values and peace through their ceaseless campaign of fear and repression. And to the Journalist Duo, enjoy your extended vacation – the accommodation might be subpar but hey, at least it’s free. You daring souls who have taken it upon yourselves to bring uncomfortable truths to light, we salute you. And to all prospective travelers, remember: nothing screams 'holiday' quite like an indefinable period of time in a maximum-security prison. Happy trails!
posted 7 months ago

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Original title: Iran sentences two women journalists on charges linked to Amini protests

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