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Technology / 9 months ago
Elon Musk Ushers in Era of Unfiltered Discourse on X, Bans User Blocking in Pursuit of 'Sense'
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Elon Musk shocks X users by banning blocking feature, promoting unfiltered discourse with no escape from annoying online interactions. Will this move bring the 'sense' Musk seeks or create chaos on the social media platform?
In an unprecedented step to promote 'unfiltered discourse,' the head honcho of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, Elon Musk has dropped another bombshell on its users by officially banning the blocking feature. Yes, you read that right. You can no longer block that annoying co-worker who keeps tagging you in cat memes. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown of X," Musk declared in a Friday post, and by 'heavy,' we assume he meant heavy with the burden of unavoidable online interactions. "Block is going to be deleted as a 'feature,' except for DMs. Makes no sense." In a stroke of what Musk probably considers evidential genius, he has managed to essentially turn X into a never-ending family reunion where you can't hide from that political rant by Uncle Bob or the incessant prattle of Aunt Gertrude about proper napkin folding techniques. The block feature, or as X's website eloquently describes, "a feature that helps you control how you interact with other accounts" has now been reduced to a relic of a bygone era where 'sense' was apparently a thing. Reaction to this announcement has ranged from mild annoyance to outright flabbergast. One disgruntled user lamented, "Does he not realize there's a reason we had a block button?" Unfortunately, whatever that reason was, it didn't make enough sense to the newest lord of digital discourse. With Dunkin Donuts' retweeting strategy now effectively neutered and countless celebrities contemplating a return to analogue interactions, it remains to be seen whether this unblocked future will bring the 'sense' that Musk seeks. Meanwhile, Netflix is quietly celebrating the twilight of the DVD era, ushering it out by sending randomly selected discs to customers, perhaps hoping to remind them that there was once a time, pre-X, where you had the luxury of avoiding films you didn't want to watch, just as we once had the ability to block annoying online interlocutors. As we roll up our mental yoga mats in preparation for the onslaught of universally unfiltered discourse, one can't help but wonder who will be the Aunt Gertrude of X. One thing is certain, though - there's certainly no blocking her now.
posted 9 months ago

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Original title: Elon Musk Says X (aka Twitter) Will No Longer Let You Block Other Users

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