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Politics / a year ago
Caught in 4th Gear: Press Secretary Jean-Pierre Battles Journalist Pile-Up Over Biden's UAW Picket Revolution!
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Caught in 4th Gear: Press Secretary Jean-Pierre expertly deflects a journalist onslaught over Biden's UAW picket, showcasing the grace and poise of a skilled samurai in the face of relentless questioning.
WHITE HOUSE - Known to answer questions with the grace and precision of a 70-ton excavator, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced a battalion of inquisitive journalists at Monday's press briefing. The hot topic du jour was President Biden's move to don his working men's suit and join with the United Auto Workers (UAW), picketing in solidarity. "Call me crazy, but isn't Biden's move a tiny bit hypocritical?" one journalist asked waving a note that clearly said 'gotcha query,' "I mean, didn't the administration proclaim its stance to keep its hands clean from union negotiations while eating tacos?" With a conveniently placed photo of Biden munching on tacos while signing the 'Bureaucrats Shall Not Meddle in Union Affairs Act' circulating on social media, the press room resembled nothing less than a pack of bloodhounds on the scent of a particularly juicy steak. Jean-Pierre, however, showed the poise of a samurai in the face of an avalanche of queries. With an ironclad poker face, she responded, "The President cares about American workers who are striving for fair wages." This triggered a burst of snappy follow-ups, fast and furious, to which Jean-Pierre responded with skillful deflections. When asked if Biden would join a picket line for, say, disgruntled IT employees, Jean-Pierre wittingly replied, "As long as they're not picketing for slower Internet, I don’t see why not." The metaphorical game of ping-pong reached a climax when feisty correspondent Jake Computerset (renowned for his button-pushing questions) suggested the President only joined the UAW strike to fight his losing battle against narcolepsy, implying the union action was a clever ruse to keep the President awake. Jean-Pierre sidestepped this explosive query like Neo dodging bullets in The Matrix. "The President's wakefulness quotient is none of your business, Jake. But for the record, he's as lively as a gazelle on a coffee binge." As the briefing ended, the press secretary resembled Diogenes the Cynic searching for an honest man among the rampaging horde of journalists. But in spite of dings and darts, she emerged victorious like a gladiator from the Colosseum, or rather, a press secretary after a White House press briefing. Stay tuned for the next episode of Caught in 4th Gear where Jake may demand to see the President's coffee receipts, or attempt to discuss the existential crisis of pizza toppings, because the fun never ends in the White House press briefing room.
posted a year ago

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Original title: WATCH: Reporters pile on frustrated Karine Jean-Pierre over Biden plan to join UAW picket

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