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Technology / 10 months ago
BMW CEO Unveils Secret Weapon for Future: The Ghost of Christmas Future Previews Nifty Electric Car Concept!
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BMW CEO unveils innovative electric car concept inspired by the Ghost of Christmas Future in a surprising move towards a greener future.
In a stunning turn of events, noted car company BMW has revealed that its secret weapon for the future isn't some high-tech gadget, self-driving technology, or even a luxurious new model of limousines. No, it's far more exciting than that. Taking inspiration from Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” the German automaker is preparing to launch the Ghost of Christmas Future to preview their innovative electric car concept! During an earnings call on Thursday, CEO Oliver Zipse eliminated all suspense and ruined countless office betting pools by announcing the upcoming unveiling of the Neue Klasse all-electric car concept. The new car, he says, will closely resemble the series production car that's slated to hit the streets soon. In an odd move, he did not reveal the exact date, making us wonder whether they are still choosing between releasing it on Halloween or during the Christmas carols. "This isn't just a regular update to our product line," Zipse said. "It's a mega project. Think less new cupholder design, more Star Wars saga. I won't say it's the Death Star, but I won't not say it either," he continued, proving that either his metaphors were mixed or he was veering into a galaxy far, far away from automotive industry jargon. Moreover, when asked about the forthcoming model’s features, Zipse coyly retorted, “What’s the fun in spoiling the surprise? Let’s just say Rudolph won’t be the only one lighting up the roads anymore.” This has led to wild speculations that the new BMW model might shoot lasers or perhaps, emit holographic reindeers - further reaffirming Zipse’s Star Wars analogy. Dedicated fans and environmentalists alike can look forward to the Neue Klasse battery-electric platform. "It's about nothing less than the future of the BMW brand. A brand already grappling with the unforgiving, inhospitable realm that is Earth's environment. Or so the Christmas Future tells me," added Zipse cryptically. As we await further information on this groundbreaking contraption, some are left wondering, is BMW truly looking to repackage climate change as the Ghost of Christmas Future? And if so, is it wise to trust a Victorian-era spectre whose primary interaction with technology was probably limited to gas lamps? One thing's for sure: the automotive landscape is becoming a lot more interesting, and a whole lot more Dickensian. God bless us, everyone!
posted 10 months ago

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Original title: BMW's Neue Klasse concept is close to production version, CEO Zipse says

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