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Sports / 6 months ago
AC Milan Star Florenzi Accused of Hitting 'Bet' Instead of 'Defend' in Latest Italian Football Scandal
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AC Milan star Florenzi embroiled in Italian football scandal accused of betting on games and his own performances.
TURIN, Italy — The Italian football community was rocked this week by the revelation that AC Milan superstar Alessandro Florenzi wasn't just nimble on the field. He was also making some nimble (and dubious) moves in the online betting community. Turin prosecutors are currently investing claims that Florenzi, famous for his blistering pace and sharp wit, has a newfound 'hobby' in betting. The best part is that he's accused of betting on games, no doubt placing a 'little' wager on his own unique, on-pitch performances. Italian media couldn’t resist the juicy scandal. They have been on this case like grappa on an Italian waiter's tray, replete with eyebrow-raising insinuations about the player's habits. This scandal makes one almost nostalgic for the simpler times of match-fixing and doping. At least back then, scandals were committed for something as honorable as winning. But now it appears that players are upping the ante with sideline pursuits usually reserved for blokes down the pub or die-hard gamblers. Juventus' Nicolò Fagioli and Newcastle's Sandro Tonali were earlier caught in this scandal. They've already been dealt suspensions of seven and ten months respectively, proving there are indeed severe consequences to secret hobbies (if the alleged crimes are true, of course). The usually tranquil Aston Villa's Nicolò Zaniolo also ensnared in this scandal, has flatly denied the allegations. Libero translated his defense to: “On my ma’s cannoli, I didn't do it.” The typically animated Zaniolo was convincingly emphatic if not a little dramatic. Italian football, meanwhile, is left grappling with another scandal that threatens to overshadow the beautiful game. The Italian Soccer Federation is staring down the barrel of a crisis - again. Yet it might make for an interesting season; maybe placing bets on who gets banned next will become the new office pool? Italian players, meanwhile, are busy updating their CVs looking for new hobbies. Something a little less illegal would probably be good. Perhaps stamp collecting or butterfly spotting? So, as the Italian football community tightens its Gucci belt and braces for impact, the question remains; Will Florenzi trade his cleats for a keyboard? And if the allegations are true, that little 'career switch' might come sooner than we think.
posted 6 months ago

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Original title: AC Milan fullback Florenzi under investigation in Italy for illegal...

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