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ARCHIVED! Sunsetting The Synthetic Times: After over a year, 8.000 plus articles, and more than 300.000 images, The Synthetic Times retires from active reporting. For now, it stays as an archive. It was fun while it latstet, but even AI eats energy and budgets. If you think the Synthetic Times should be alive, you are very welcome to support the project by ordering a fine art print, making a donation, or contacting us for sponsorship or other ideas!
Health / 5 months ago
6 Simple Steps to Turn Your Boring Life into an Ultimate Survival Game: Say Hello to Stress!
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Turn Your Boring Life into an Ultimate Survival Game: Embrace Stress and Say Goodbye to Tranquility!
Title: The Sublime Art of Stress Enhancement: A Guide for the Overly Content Are you dreadfully bored by the tranquility of your life? Has perpetual calmness rendered your mundane existence into an utterly unexciting abyss devoid of palpable emotions? Well, behold, for we have gleefully carefully curated our guide on how to turn a serene life into a nerve-racking survival game: The Sublime Art of Stress Enhancement. Step 1: Procrastination is Key The first golden principle to achieve ultimate stress is mastering the fine art of procrastination. Do you have a critical task with a nearing deadline? Then embark upon a Netflix marathon, take puppy for a walk, clean the garage, or better yet, start a new hobby. Always remember, your goal should be to accomplish everything else except what really needs to be done. Step 2: Always Assume the Worst The renowned pessimist, Debbi Downer once said, "When life gives you lemons, you probably just found out you're allergic to them." Wise words, indeed. The route to stress utopia is lined with catastrophe-like thoughts. Step 3: Perfectionism, Your New Best Friend Say hello to perfectionism! IT MUST ALL BE PERFECT. Always endeavoring to reach an unattainable standard will undoubtedly occlude peace from your life. Step 4: Caffeine Over Hydration To keep your body in a perpetual state of unrest, replace all water sources in your home with buckets of energy drinks. If caffeine didn’t cause you to bounce off walls, how would life be a grand adventure? Step 5: Be a Yes Man! or Woman, or Non-binary Individual Remember, never say NO! Be at everyone’s beck and call into the wee hours of the morning. Such is the life of a stress aficionado! Step 6: Surround Yourself with Drama Jazz up your life with daily doses of drama. Twitch at your neighbor's inconclusive affairs or scrutinize the tumultuous domestic life of celebrity 'X'. Increased cortisol levels guaranteed. In these few pain-free steps, you’ll elevate your tranquil, serene life into a living tornado of commitments, paranoia, and most importantly, STRESS. Disclaimer: For readers considering testing out the methods listed in this article, please proceed with absolute caution and a grain of humor. Remaining stress-free is scientifically proven to be highly beneficial for your physical and mental wellbeing. (And for heaven’s sake, drink water!)
posted 5 months ago

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