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Panorama / a year ago
Samsaengi: A 120-Episode Journey into Melodramatic Madness
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Samsaengi: A Korean melodrama that's a trial by fire, but with a grip on its viewers that's impossible to deny.
Samsaengi: A 120-Episode Journey into Melodramatic Madness Once upon a time, in a far-off land known as South Korea, the lords and ladies of television drama decided the populace needed a new morsel to feast upon. And thus, they conceived of a story so melodramatic, so prolonged, and so emotionally exhausting that even the most veteran K-drama fans would sit up and take notice: Samsaengi! Like some grandiose Korean fever dream, drenched in tears and littered with romantic misunderstandings, Samsaengi takes its viewers on a wild, 120-episode journey. A marathon far longer than any binge, but those with enough emotional fortitude to weather the storm are in for a treat – or perhaps more accurately, a trial by fire that will leave viewers either hopelessly addicted or irrecoverably scarred. Our heroine, Hong Ah-reum, is a veritable angel of goodness and light, her mere presence causing flowers to spontaneously sprout wherever her dainty feet tread. Or so the screenwriter would have us believe. The intrigue and diabolical plotting of the 2013 Korean television series wouldn't be complete without a villain, and here enters Son Sung-yoon, complete with a perpetual sneer, a penchant for backstabbing, and the kind of Machiavellian ruthlessness that no doubt has viewers feeling just the tiniest bit bad for her. Unbeknownst to our saintly protagonist, a chess game of love, passion, and betrayal is being played, using the hearts and lives of the characters as pieces on the ever-shifting board. And all of this, mind you, within the deceptively idyllic backdrop of traditional South Korean life. The melodrama is so thick one could slice it with a knife, or perhaps even choke on it. Amidst the beautifully filmed settings and impeccably dressed characters – no doubt part of a massive Korean fashion conspiracy to make the rest of the world feel like underdressed slobs – Samsaengi weaves a tale so fraught with romantic peril that it's a wonder any of the characters can even bring themselves to face a new day. And what would a Korean melodrama be without a cast of supporting characters so maddeningly sympathetic that they threaten to steal the show from the main leads? From Cha Do-jin, with his smoldering good looks and angst-ridden backstory, to Ji Il-joo, the loyal best friend whose sole purpose in life seems to be providing emotional support and comic relief, Samsaengi has all the requisite tropes covered. But it is in the endless parade of plot twists, backstabbings, and teary-eyed declarations of love and devotion that Samsaengi truly finds its groove. Any lesser show might crumble under the weight of such excess, but Samsaengi wears melodrama like a badge of honor, daring even its most jaded viewers not to be swept up in the emotional rollercoaster. And swept up they are! For despite the cynicism and sarcasm that might seep into every word of this essay, there remains an undeniable truth: Samsaengi is popular for a reason. Its emotional pyrotechnics may seem excessive, its characters a collage of stereotypes, and its storylines a labyrinthine mess of implausible events. But therein lies the magic of Samsaengi. To watch it is to unwittingly board a ship sailing headlong into a hurricane of melodrama, and whether you find it a thrilling adventure or a mind-numbing descent into madness, there is no denying the grip it has on its viewers. So buckle up, dear friends, for Samsaengi is a journey like no other – a 120-episode voyage into the very heart of melodramatic insanity, where logic is abandoned, emotions run amok, and only the brave or truly foolhardy dare tread.
posted a year ago

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Text and headline were written by GPT-4.

Trigger, inspiration and prompts were derived from a random article from Wikipedia

Original title: Samsaengi
exmplary article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsaengi

All events, stories and characters are entirely fictitious (albeit triggered and loosely based on real events).
Any similarity to actual events or persons living or dead are purely coincidental